Red Stripe: FAN-Agrams

While football fans have a strong emotional connection to the game and its players, there's potential to strengthen their emotional bond with our beer they enjoy during the game. 92% of Latin American surnames contain at least one of the same letters as our red stripe brand. By leaning into this stat during the annual COPA Libertadores tournament, this could help us grow our emotional bond with football fans while they watch live matches in stadiums.

So we rewarded fans with 1 free Red Stripe beer during the match in the stadium if their surname shared one of the same letters as our brand. Once the match started, we handed the crowd massive poster tarps that they unraveled across the stadium that showed our messaging, and we used geofencing for our socials. Messaging told fans that if 1 of the letters in their surname was shared with one from Red Stripe, they got 1 free beer during the match. Fans then headed to the stadium bar, showed their ID and we gave them 1 free beer to enjoy while watching the match.

Brand: Red Stripe beer
Art Director
Used a combination of Midjourney AI, Runway AI, Photoshop and Premiere Pro to create visuals and video footage.

Red Stripe Tarps around the stadium:

Red Stripe Poster Tarps unraveled by the crowd as they worked together to see our messaging.

Fans who shared at least 1 letter in their surname with Red Stripes then hit the stadium bar for their beer.


Stadium Bar Posters: